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 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Alemagne
Thème de collection : Militaire alemagne ~1800-2021
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2022

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh EmptyMar 15 Fév 2022 - 6:41

2nd try, because the mods dont reopen my thread

my name is Manuel and i am from Germany (Baden-Baden) and hope it´s ok to write in english.
Sadly i don´t speak French, i hope i am on the right place here.
I registered myself here, because i´ve got a document from a german soldier, who served since 1779 in French services.
He served in the irish Regiment Walsh in America 1780-1783. On St. Eustache he took the British generalgouvereur as prisoner of war.

I could write a lot more about him, but the best is, to read it at yourself - it is your language and so you can read it much better than my bad translation French - German - English could be.
A coworker from Alsace helped me translating the document. I hope its readable on the picture. if you can´t read it, i´ll write the text underneat the picture.

Why i registered here: i would like to learn more about Capitaine Gaul-Quano. He had a high rank, served really long for France and had some merites for taking a english gouverneur as prisoner of war.
- Maybe he got some medals for taking part at the war in America? Or medals for merite?
Are there any french lists, i could search throught?
- Could you help me with the ranks Corporalmajor, Sergent, Fourier, Sergentmajor - are there comparable "german" ranks? Like Unteroffizier, Fähnrich, Feldwebel, ...
- What dose "Retraite de lan Champagne" mean, which retreat from Champagne do they mean?
- What dose L.H.R. stand for in "L.H.R. les Princes Francais"?

I am thankfull for every help.

Best greetings from Baden-Baden and please excuse my bad english

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh S-l16012

Entré Service de France, Regiment de Walsh Irlandais en
Qualité de Volontaire le 24 Ferrier 1779
Passe Corporalmajor, Sergent, Fourier, Sergentmajor au
dit Regiment, y ayant fait les Fontentions d´ Adjudant
Donné sa Demission le 1 Avril 1792
Emigré et passe au Regiment de Walsh au Service de
L.H.R. les Princes Francais. Rentré en Frances avec
autorisation de Mr le comte de Walsh Serant apres
la Retraite de lan Champagne. Employé depair le
1 Decembre 1792
en Qualité d´Adjoint dans le Commissariat de Guerre
et Inspections aux Revues.
Nommé Capitaine au Regiment du Prince d´Isembourg
au Service de France le 1 Decembre 1806
Donné sa Demission pour causse de mauraise Santé
et l´obtenu le 5 Octobre 1807
Nomme Capitaine Quartier Maitre Tresorier au
4en Regiment d´Infanterie de Lignete 15 Avril 1808
Passe Capitaine Quarier Maitre Tresorier aux Chasseurs
de la Garde Royale le 1. Mai 1808
Retiré du Sercive Westphalien daprés un Engagement
Prir avec Mr. Le General Prusse de Czernitscheff
de ne plus Servir eontre les Allies pendant la
Guerre dernierre le 8 Octobre 1813


Fait le Campagnes en Amerique
Avec le 2e Bataillon du Regiment de
Walsh en 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783
Embarqué avec le dit Regiment pour
le Isles de France et Bourbon
du commencement de 1788
et retourné en France en 1790
Beloque á Landau en Alsace
Depuis le 28 Juliet 1793
Jusqu´au 25 Decembre 1793


Recu des Coups de
Feux pendant la Guerre de
1 une Balle morte a´la Jambe
Gaudre las de la … de Tobago
2 une Balle morte á l´Epaule
Gauche ála Surprise de
St. Eustache

Il fut á St. Eustache
Avec le Capitaine
d´ Oconnor le General
Gouverneur Anglais
Prissonier de
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Loïc Lilian
Loïc Lilian

Nombre de messages : 250
Localisation : Arrt Riom St Gervais d'Auvergne & Bourbonnais
Thème de collection : Armée Française
Date d'inscription : 01/02/2020

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh EmptyMar 15 Fév 2022 - 11:35


Citation :
- What dose "Retraite de la Champagne" mean, which retreat from Champagne do they mean?
- What dose L.H.R. stand for in "L.H.R. les Princes Francais"?

I wonder if instead of L.H.R. is not L.H.P. for Leurs Hautes Puissances the French Emigrés Princes, point to be confirmed

he was with the Walsh Régiment (but the one with Armée des Emigrés 1792) after being in the French Army's Irish Regiment de Walsh of the same name 92nd rank of the Infantry, today the 92e RI of my region

so the Retraite de Champagne is simply the name given to the retreat after the coalised Prussian Austrian Armies invading the country with their French Emigrés allied contingents such as Regiment Walsh were beaten by the French Army at Valmy in september 1792 leading to the proclamation of the First Republic

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Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Alemagne
Thème de collection : Militaire alemagne ~1800-2021
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2022

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh EmptyMer 16 Fév 2022 - 18:46

Merci, Loïc.
You helped me a lot. I did some research an found Capitain O'Conor in a book, where the attack of St. Eustachius and the capture of the british gouverneur is discribed. Great.

Could anyone tell me, if there are any campain-medals like the prussian "Kriegsdenkmünze"?
Is it possible, he got a medal or order for taking the gouverneur as prisoner? Whats orders could be possible and are there lists, i can search trought?

Best Greetings

PS: after i found some Louis XIV Ecus and now this document, french history becomes more and more interesting for me.
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Nombre de messages : 2023
Localisation : Bretagne
Thème de collection : Armes du XVIIIè siècle
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2013

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh EmptyJeu 17 Fév 2022 - 0:06

document très intéressant.
La réponse en anglais aurait sans douté méritée d'être doublée de sa version française... ou l'inverse
2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh 88091
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Je fais partie des murs
Je fais partie des murs

Nombre de messages : 7390
Localisation : Pays du Sultan juste
Thème de collection : Long XIXe siècle
Date d'inscription : 16/07/2012

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh EmptyVen 25 Fév 2022 - 17:19


Un très beau document qui garde la mémoire du parcours d'un homme de mon ancien régiment !

Le 92e RI garde d'ailleurs dans ses insignes de compagnie la mémoire du Régiment de Walsh, voici le mien:

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Walsh10

2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh R%C3%A9g_de_Walsh_1770

Bien cordialement.
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2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh   2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh Empty

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2nd try: a German in French Services in America 1779-1813 Regiment Walsh
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