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 Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise

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4 participants
jean claude
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
jean claude

Nombre de messages : 2916
Age : 64
Localisation : Pas de Calais
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2010

Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise   Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise EmptyLun 4 Nov 2013 - 18:05

J'espère que la liste suivante qui à l'origine à été faite en anglais par : Geoff Reeves pourra vous être utile !
Ce sont les différents blocs de numéros attribués au différentes unités de l'armée anglaise définis dans l'entre deux guerre et qui fut utilisé jusqu'après la seconde guerre mondiale .
Ils permettent d'identifier dans quel unité un soldat britannique fut affecté pour la première fois .
Malheureusement , cela ne veut pas dire que ce soldat servi au sein de cette unité tout au long de sa carrière , ni non plus le temps qu'il passa dans cette unité !
En effet , tout soldat britannique garde le matricule propre au régiment ou il a été enregistré pour la première fois , et ce quel que soit les transfers d'unité qui jalonneront sa carrière militaire !
Un homme au départ engagé dans un régiment des Ox's & Buck's garde son matricule Ox's & Buck's s'il est transféré dans le Leinster Regiment ou l'artillerie ou les commandos !
Cependant , les numéros étant attribués dans l'ordre croissant , il est plus ou moins possible de déterminer chronologiquement la période de son premier engagement .

Royal Army Service Corps 1 - 294000 et 10660001 - 11000000

The Life Guards 294001 - 304000
294001 à 299000 1st Life Guards
299001 à 304000 2nd Life Guards

Royal Horse Guards 304001 - 309000

Cavalry of the Line 309001 - 721000 (Inclus 558471 a 558761 alloué temporairement au Royal Armoured Corps et plus tard alloués aux blocs suivants :
309001 à 386000 Lancers
386001 à 528000 Dragoons
528001 à 721000 Hussars

Royal Artillery (Field, Coastal & Anti-Aircraft) 721001 - 1842000 et 11000001 - 11500000

Royal Engineers 1842001 - 2303000

Royal Corps of Signals 2303001 - 2604000

Grenadier Guards 2604001 - 2646000

Coldstream Guards 2646001 - 2688000

Scots Guards 2688001 - 2714000

Irish Guards 2714001 - 2730000

Welsh Guards 2730001 - 2744000

Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment) 2744001 - 2809000

Seaforth Highlanders 2809001 - 2865000

Gordon Highlanders 2865001 - 2921000

Cameron Highlanders 2921001 - 2966000

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 2966001 - 3044000

Royal Scots 3044001 - 3122000

Royal Scots Fusiliers 3122001 - 3178000

The King's Own Scottish Borderers 3178001 - 3233000

Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 3233001 - 3299000

Highland Light Infantry 3299001 - 3377000

East Lancashire Regiment 3377001 - 3433000

Lancashire Fusiliers 3433001 - 3511000

Manchester Regiment 3511001 - 3589000

Border Regiment 3589001 - 3644000

The Prince of Wales' Volunteers 3644001 - 3701000

The King's Own Royal Regiment 3701001 - 3757000

The King's Regiment 3757001 - 3846000

The Loyal Regiment 3846001 - 3902000

South Wales Borderers 3902001 - 3947000

Welch Regiment 3947001 - 4025000

The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 4025001 - 4070000

Monmouthshire Regiment 4070001 - 4103000

Herefordshire Regiment 4103001 - 4114000

Cheshire Regiment 4114001 - 4178000

Royal Welch Fusiliers 4178001 - 4256000

Royal Northumberland Fusiliers 4256001 - 4334000

East Yorkshire Regiment 4334001 - 4379000

The Green Howards 4379001 - 4435000

Durham Light Infantry 4435001 - 4523000

West Yorkshire Regiment 4523001 - 4601000

The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (The West Riding) 4601001 - 4680000

The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 4680001 - 4736000

York & Lancaster Regiment 4736001 - 4792000

Lincolnshire Regiment 4792001 - 4848000

Leicestershire Regiment 4848001 - 4904000

South Staffordshire Regiment 4904001 - 4960000

Sherwood Foresters 4960001 - 5038000

North Staffordshire Regiment 5038001 - 5094000

Royal Warwickshire Regiment 5094001 - 5172000

Gloucestershire Regiment 5172001 - 5239000

Worcestershire Regiment 5239001 - 5328000

Royal Berkshire Regiment 5328001 - 5373000

Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 5373001 - 5429000

The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 5429001 - 5485000

Hampshire Regiment 5485001 - 5562000

Wiltshire Regiment 5562001 - 5608000

Devonshire Regiment 5608001 - 5662000

Somerset Light Infantry 5662001 - 5718000

Dorsetshire Regiment 5718001 - 5763000

Royal Norfolk Regiment 5763001 - 5819000

Suffolk Regiment 5819001 - 5875000

Northhamptonshire Regiment 5875001 - 5931000

Cambridgeshire Regiment 5931001 - 5942000

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment 5942001 - 5998000

Essex Regiment 5998001 - 6076000

The Queen's Royal Regiment 6076001 - 6132000

East Surrey Regiment 6132001 - 6188000

Middlesex Regiment 6188001 - 6278000

The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) 6278001 - 6334000

Royal West Kent Regiment 6334001 - 6390000

Royal Sussex Regiment 6390001 - 6446000

Royal Fusiliers 6446001 - 6515000

The Inns of Court Regiment 6802501 - 6814000

Honourable Artillery Company (Infantry) 6825001 - 6837000

The King's Royal Rifle Corps 6837001 - 6905000

The Rifle Brigade 6905001 - 6972000

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 6972001 - 7006000

Royal Ulster Rifles 7006001 - 7040000

Royal Irish Fusiliers 7040001 - 7075000

Royal Dublin Fusiliers 7075001 - 7109000 (jusqu'en 1922)

Royal Irish Regiment 7109001 - 7143000

Connaught Rangers 7143001 - 7177000 (jusqu'en 1922)

Leinster Regiment 7177001 - 7211000 (jusqu'en 1922)

Royal Munster Fusiliers 7211001 - 7245000 (jusqu'en 1922)

Royal Army Medical Corps 7245001 - 7536000

(Royal) Army Dental Corps 7536001 - 7539000 et 10510001 - 10530000

Royal Guernsey Militia et Royal Alderney Artillery Militia 7539001 - 7560000 (Discontinu à partir de 1929)

Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey 7560001 - 7574000 (Discontinued in 1929)

Royal Army Ordnance Corps 7574001 - 7657000 et 10530001 - 10600000.

(Royal) Army Pay Corps 7657001 - 7681000 et 10400001 - 10500000.
(Locally enlisted staff Middle East 10500001 - 10508000)

(Royal) Military Police 7681001 - 7717000

Military Provost Staff Corps 7717001 - 7718800

Small Arms School Corps 7718801 - 7720400

(Royal) Army Education Corps 7720401 - 7732400

Band of the Royal Military College 7732401 - 7733000

Corps of Military Accountants 7733001 - 7757000 (jusqu'en 1925)

Royal Army Veterinary Corps 7757001 - 7807000

Machine Gun Corps 7807001 - 7868000 (jusqu'en 1922)

Royal Tank Regiment 7868001 - 7891868

Royal Armoured Corps 7891869 - 8230000 et 558471 - 558761

Militia 10000000 - 10350000 (Les numéros de matricule ont été répartis conformément aux Règlements pour la Milice [en dehors de la Supplementary Reserve], 1939, paras. 11-13)

Intelligence Corps 10350001 - 10400000

Reconnaissance Corps 10600001 - 10630000

Army Catering Corps (Royal Corps of Food Poisoners) 10630001 - 10655000

Army Physical Training (Staff) Corps 10655001 - 10660000

(Royal) Pioneer Corps 13000001 - 14000000

The Lowland Regiment 14000001 - 14002500

The Highland Regiment 14002501 - 14005000

General Service Corps 14200001 - 15000000

Indian local enlistments 15000001 - 15005000

Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers 16000001 - 16100000

Non-Combatant Corps 97000001 - 97100000

Auxiliary Territorial Service W/1 - W/500,000

Voluntary Aid Detachments W/500001 - W/1000000
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
jean claude
Membre d'honneur
Membre d'honneur
jean claude

Nombre de messages : 2916
Age : 64
Localisation : Pas de Calais
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2010

Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise   Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise EmptyLun 4 Nov 2013 - 18:50

et voici les blocs de matricules utilisés par le RFC et la RAF de 1912 à 1967.
Les blocs sont chronologiques et englobes les dominions et les forces alliées engagées au sein de la RAF .

1 to 515 1912 RFC: transfers and civilians
516 to 1013 1913 RFC - transfers and civilians
1014 to 2690 1914 RFC - transfers and civilians
2691 to 17400 1915 RFC - transfers and civilians
17401 to 39639 1916 RFC - civilians
39640 to 40300 Jly-Oct 1916 RFC - transfers
40301 to 45300 Jly-Aug 1916 RFC - transfers
47301 to 49300 Aug-Nov 1916 RFC - civilians
49301 to 49800 Aug-Oct 1916 RFC - transfers
49801 to 50800 Nov-Dec 1916 RFC - civilians
50801 to 51800 Oct 1916-Jan 1917 RFC - transfers
51801 to 52800 Dec 1916 RFC - civilians
52801 to 52950 52949 Dec 1916-Jan 1917 AID Examiners
52951 to 56950 Jan 1917 RFC - civilians
56951 to 57950 Jan 1917 RFC - transfers
57951 to 60950 Feb 1917 RFC - civilians
60951 to 61950 Jan-Feb 1917 RFC - transfers
61951 to 64950 Feb-Mar 1917 RFC - civilians
64951 to 65950 Feb-Mar 1917 RFC - transfers
65951 to 68950 Mar 1917 RFC - civilians
68951 to 69000 68997 Jan-May 1917 RFC - cadets
69001 to 70000 Mar-Apr 1917 RFC - civilians
70001 to 75000 Feb-Sep 1917 RFC - Canadians
75001 to 77000 Apr 1917 RFC - civilians
77001 to 77100 Jan 1917 AID Examiners
77101 to 79100 Mar-May 1917 RFC - transfers
79101 to 80100 Apr- May 1917 RFC - civilians
80101 to 80200 Apr 1917 AID Examiners
80201 to 84200 May 1917 RFC - civilians
84201 to 84400 84202 May 1917 AID Examiners
84401 to 87400 Jun-Jly 1917 RFC - civilians
87401 to 88400 Jly 1917 RFC - transfers
88401 to 90400 Jly-Aug 1917 RFC - civilians
90401 to 90600 Jly 1917 AID Examiners
90601 to 93600 Aug-Sep 1917 RFC - civilians
93601 to 94600 Sep 1917 RFC - transfers
94601 to 95600 Sep 1917 RFC - civilians
95601 to 95700 Sep 1917 AID Examiners
95701 to 98700 Sep-Oct 1917 RFC - civilians
98701 to 99700 Oct 1917 RFC - transfers
99701 to 100700 Oct-Nov 1917 RFC -cadets
100701 to 102700 Oct-Nov 1917 RFC - civilians
102701 to 102742 102702 Nov 1917 AID Examiners
102744 to 109000 Nov 1917 RFC - transfers
109001 to 110000 Nov 1917 RFC - civilians
110001 to 111000 Nov 1917-Jan 1918 RFC - cadets
111001 to 113000 Nov 1917-Jan 1918 RFC - civilians
113001 to 116000 Jan 1918 RFC - transfers
116001 to 117000 Jan 1918 RFC - civilians
117001 to 118000 Jan 1918 RFC - cadets
118001 to 120000 Jan 1918 RFC - civilians
120001 to 122000 Jan 1918 RFC - transfers
122001 to 122000 Jan 1918 RFC - transfers
122001 to 125000 Jan-Feb 1918 RFC - civilians
125001 to 128000 Feb 1918 RFC - transfers
128001 to 129000 128999 Feb-Mar 1918 RFC - cadets
129001 to 131000 Jan-Feb 1918 RFC - transfers
131001 to 133000 Feb-Mar 1918 RFC - civilians
133001 to 137000 Feb 1918 RFC- transfers
137001 to 138000 Feb-Apr 1918 RFC/RAF - cadets
138001 to 140000 Mar 1918 RFC - transfers
140001 to 143000 Feb-Apr 1918 RFC/RAF - civilians
143001 to 149000 Mar 1918 RFC - transfers
149001 to 150000 Aug 1917-Mar 1918 RFC - civilians (Boys)
150001 to 155000 Sep 1917-Mar 1918 RFC - Canadians
155001 to 160000 Oct 1917-Dec 1918 RFC/RAF - civilians (Boys)
160001 to 166000 Apr-May 1918 RAF - civilians
166601 to 166500 May 1918 RAF - army transfers
166501 to 170000 May 1918 RAF - civilians
170001 to 175000 Nov 1917-May 1918 RFC/RAF - Canadians
175001 to 185000 May-Oct 1918 RAF - Cadets
185001 to 188000 May 1918 RAF - army transfers
188001 to 200000 May-Jun 1918 RAF - civilians
200001 to 202902 1 Apr 1918 RNAS Enlistments 1914
202903 to 210316 1 Apr 1918 RNAS Enlistments 1915
210317 to 225060 1 Apr 1918 RNAS Enlistments 1916
225061 to 244710 1 Apr 1918 RNAS Enlistments 1917
244711 to 260000 254574 1 Apr 1918 RNAS Enlistments 1918
260001 to 270000 269999 Jun-Jly 1918 RAF - civilians
270001 to 275001 273223 May-Jly 1918 RAF - Canadians
275001 to 300000 Jly-Sep 1918 RAF - civilians
300001 to 303000 Aug 1918 RAF - army transfers
303001 to 307973 Sep-Oct 1918 RAF - civilians
307974 to 308085 RAF - South Africans (members of 26 SA Sqn)
308086 to 313000 312534 Nov-Dec 1918 RAF - civilians
313001 to 316000 315179 1 Apr 1918 RN personnel attd RNAS
316001 to 326000 322151 Oct 1918 RAF - Cadets
326001 to 329000 Dec 1918/Jan and Mar 1919 Civilians (Boys)
329001 to 330000 Mar 1919 Civilians
330001 to 331000 Apr 1919 Civilians
331001 to 333000 Mar 1919 Civilians
333001 to 335000 Aug 1919 Civilians
335001 to 336000 335999 Aug 1919 and Jan 1921 Civilians (Boys)
336001 to 338000 Aug/Sep 1919 Civilians
338001 to 338274 Oct 1938 Transfers
338275 to 338299 None issued Army transfers Aden
338300 to 338699 338385 Nov 1940 Army transfers 1RC
338700 to 338999 338784 Dec 1940 Army transfers 2RC
339000 to 339299 339028 Dec 1940 Army transfers 3RC
339300 to 339800 339775 Jan 1942 Army transfers Middle East
339801 to 340000 339981 Jly 1940 Army transfers Newfoundland
340001 to 360000 Sep 1919 Civilians (completed 16.6.25)
360001 to 360200 No record Civilians Maltese
360201 to 361200 360665 Jun 1918 RAF - Cadets (Canadian)
3610201 to 361400 361238 May 1923 Civilians Maltese
361401 to 361600 No record Maltese
361601 to 363280 Jan 1921 and Jly 1922 Civilians (Boys)
363281 to 370000 366493 Jan 1924
370001 to 370986 16 Jun-30 Sep 1925 Civilians
370987 to 399999 None issued Sep 1919 Civilians (none issued)
400000 to 410432 Sep 1918 RAF - army transfers
410433 to 410439 Not allotted
410440 to 410999 410511 Oct 1939 Royal Corps of Signals transfers
411000 to 411220 411158 Jun 1936 Army transfers Middle East
411221 to 411230 411221 Jan 1933 Navy transfers Middle East
411231 to 411250 411238 Mar 1944 Transfers to Yugoslavia from British Army in Middle East.
411251 to 411299 Not allotted
411300 to 411749 411712 Mar 1937 Army transfers - RAF Regiment Instructors
411750 to 411999 Not allotted
412000 to 412999 412366 Mar 1943 Transfers from Navy
413000 to 419999 Not allotted
420000 to 430000 429997 Jly 1940 WAAF West Drayton, Harrogate, Bridgnorth
430001 to 440000 439999 Mar 1941 WAAF West Drayton, Harrogate, Bridgnorth
440001 to 450000 Feb 1941 WAAF Gloucester
450001 to 460000 Jun 1941 WAAF Gloucester
460001 to 465000 Dec 1941 WAAF No 1 and 2 Dep
465001 to 475000 Nov 1942 WAAF No 2 Dep
475001 to 485000 Jan 1943 WAAF Gloucester
485001 to 495000 Apr 1943 WAAF Gloucester
495001 to 495100 495011 Oct 1947 Ex WRNS and ATS enrolled under extended Service scheme
495101 to 498999 Not allotted
499000 to 499999 499112 Sep 1943 WAAF NSA for ROC Duties
500001 to 502000 No record Maltese
502001 to 504800 504063 Jly 1940 Army transfers from Observer Batteries of Wireless Intelligence Services
504801 to 505000 504904 Aug 1939 Air Intelligence Corps (S/140621/217)
505001 to 549999 Oct 1925 Civilians
550000 to 558000 554027 Sep 1934 Boy entrants
558001 to 558503 May 1927 Section II, Class “E” Reserve Meteorologists
558504 to 559000 Not allotted
559001 to 559292 Jun 1926 Section II, Class “E” Reserve - Imperial Airways
559293 to 560000 Not allotted
560001 to 579999 Jan 1926 Aircraft Apprentices
580000 to 581786 Aug 1935 Direct Entry Airmen Pilots, Observers and Cadets
581787 to 581999 Not allotted
582000 to 589999 Aug 1944 Aircraft Apprentices
590000 Not allotted
590001 to 594261 Oct 1925 Apprentice Clerks
594262 to 594300 Not allotted
594301 to 599999 596003 Oct 1964 Administrative Apprentices
600000 to 605364 604257 Aug 1931 Special Reserve
605365 to 605700 Mar 1942 RAF enlistments in Canada
605701 to 606000 605885 Oct 1943 RAF enlistments in Canada
606001 to 606200 606005 Dec 1943 British enlistment in North West Africa
606201 to 606250 None issued Non-British enlistments in North-West Africa
606251 to 606999 None issued RAF enlistments in Canada
607000 to 607764 Oct 1946 RAF College Cadets (Cranwell, Digby and Catterick)
607765 to 607805 Jan 1956 Henlow Technical Cadets
607806 to 608999 Jan 1956 RAF College Cadets (Cranwell, Digby and Catterick)
609000 to 609433 Sep 1952 RAF Technical College Cadets (Henlow)
609434 to 609450 Not allotted
609451 to 609999 Nov 1964 RAF College Cadets (Cranwell)
610000 to 654720 Mar 1938 Civilians
654721 to 654999 Jan 1942 Czech enlistments in Canada
655000 to 679899 660236 Jan 1939 Transfers from Army
679900 to 679999 679901 Dec 1944 Transfers from Allied forces in UK
680000 to 689444 Sep 1954 Aircraft Apprentices
689445 to 690000 Not allotted
690001 to 699999 690672 Oct 1964 Aircraft Apprentices
700000 to 700697 Sep 1934 Class “F” Reserve
700698 to 700800 Aug 1936 Middle East British Enlistments
700801 to 700820 Sep 1941 Local Enlistments, Trinidad (Files 17184 and 21520)
700821 to 700850 700830 Jly 1942 Enlistments in Bermuda
700851 to 700870 None issued European civilian staff of DG Works Services, Ceylon
700871 to 700999 Nov 1942 Local enlistments, Middle East
701000 to 702935 Jly 1939 RAFVR Military Training Act
702936 to 702999 Not allotted
703000 to 709999 Mar 1942 Poles
710000 to 710060 Jan 1936 Section II, Class “E” Reserve (Direct Entry)
710061 to 710999 710446 Nov 1941 Rhodesia for local enlistments
711000 to 711999 711061 Jun 1941 Rhodesia for South Africans
712000 to 712999 712531 Nov 1942 Middle East, National Service Recruits
713000 to 715899 Dec 1943 Enlistments in West Indies (Jamaica)
715900 to 715999 715921 Mar 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (British Honduras)
716000 to 716799 716590 Mar 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Barbados)
716800 to 716999 716833 Apr 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Trinidad)
717000 to 717099 717015 Apr 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Grenada)
717100 to 717199 None issued Enlistments in West Indies (St Lucia)
717200 to 717299 717201 Apr 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (St Vincent)
717300 to 717399 None issued Enlistments in West Indies (Dominion)
717400 to 717499 717420 Mar 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Leeward Islands)
717500 to 717999 Not allotted
718000 to 721999 719693 Feb 1944 Yugoslavs in North Africa
722000 to 722999 722651 Jun 1944 Yugoslavs in Italy
723000 to 726999 725650 Sep 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Jamaica)
727000 to 727499 Dec 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (British Guiana)
727500 to 727999 727714 Dec 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Trinidad)
728000 to 728499 728099 Dec 1944 Enlistments in West Indies (Barbados)
728500 to 728999 None issued Enlistments in West Indies (Reserve)
729000 to 733999 729266 May 1945 Poles
734000 to 735999 735963 Sep 1947 RAF Regiment (Malaya)
736000 to 736999 No record Nov 1956 RAF Regiment (Malaya)
737000 to 738999 738601 Jly 1950 RAF Malaya. (18 numbers within this block were not taken up, details not known).
739000 to 739499 No record Jan 1962 RAF Malta
739500 to 739999 Free
740000 to 759999 759361 Jan 1937 RAFVR Pilots
760000 to 762617 Aug 1939 RAFVR Civilian Wireless Reserve
762618 to 768999 Not allotted
769000 to 769399 769002 Aug 1945 Local enlistments in Middle East.
769400 to 769899 769528 Jly 1943 Middle East for Palestinians
769900 to 769999 None issued Belgian enlistments in Canada
770000 to 771499 771390 Oct 1938 RAFVR Operations Room
771500 to 773999 773209 Nov 1939 Enlistments in India
774000 to 774099 Nov 1939 Local enlistments in Middle East (British, Maltese and Cypriots)
774100 to 775999 Jly 1940 Local enlistments in Middle East (Palestinians)
776000 to 776199 Jly 1940 Local enlistments in Middle East (British, Maltese and Cypriots)
776200 to 776499 776445 Jun 1940 Southern Rhodesians in Middle East
776500 to 776508 Mar 1941 Local enlistments in Iraq
776509 to 776599 Jan 1944 Local enlistments in Middle East
776600 to 777000 776994 Feb 1940 Maltese Volunteers (AMO A536/40).
777001 to 777599 Mar 1941 Maltese Conscripts
777600 to 778999 Jun 1940 Enlistments in Rhodesia.
779000 to 779499 779385 Jly 1940 Transfers of Rhodesians in Iraq.
779500 to 779999 779517 May 1940 Transfers of Rhodesians in Middle East (File 17099).
780000 to 784999 Dec 1939 Enlistments of Poles in UK
785000 to 786999 786379 Jly 1940 Local enlistments in Far East
787000 to 787999 Jly 1940 Enlistments of Czechs in UK
788000 to 788199 Oct 1940 Enlistment of Czechs in UK
788200 to 788999 Nov 1941 Enlistment of Czechs in UK
789000 to 789049 789005 Sep 1949 Enlistment of Czechs in BAFO
789050 to 790999 Not allotted
791000 to 791099 791094 Jly 1940 Free French Pilots in ME and Aden.
791100 to 791200 Nov 1940 Enlistments in Middle East
791201 to 791900 791694 Feb 1944 Yugoslavs in Middle East
791901 to 792000 Not allotted
792001 to 795000 Aug 1940 Enlistment of Poles in UK
795001 to 795750 795707 Aug 1942 Maltese conscripts
795751 to 796150 No record Apr 1949 RAF Malta
796151 to 796750 No record Jan 1956 RAF Malta
796751 to 797750 797091 Jan 1944 Enlistments in Bahamas
797751 to 797950 797797 Jly 1943 Belgians in South Africa
797951 to 798449 798024 Aug 1944 Enlistments in Cyprus (AMO A536/40)
798450 to 798499 798468 Jan 1941 Enlistments for Rhodesia and Basutoland, etc
798500 to 799549 798857 Aug 1940 Local enlistments in Newfoundland
799550 to 799999 Feb 1939 RAC AL/3
800000 to 879999 874806 Dec 1925 Auxiliary Air Force
880000 to 897999 Mar 1939 WAAF
898000 to 899999 None issued Straits Settlements, VAF disbanded 1.11.39 (voir AMCO B84 16.11.39)
900000 to 934899 Sep 1939 Uxbridge
934900 to 943999 934956 Jun 1940 Résidents britanniques à Malte
935000 to 964999 Sep 1939 Cardington
965000 to 1149977 Sep 1939 Padgate
1149978 to 1150000 Mar 1941 Dutch
1150001 to 1250000 Apr 1940 Cardington
1250001 to 1299800 May 1940 Uxbridge, Gloucester et Penarth
1299801 to 1300000 Nov 1941 Belgians
1300001 to 1311744 Jun 1940 Blackpool
1311745 to 1325000 1311746 ?? Nov 1940 Oxford
1325001 to 1326573 Jly 1940 Blackpool
1326574 to 1330000 Oct 1940 Local enlistments. AMO 726/40 et A480/41.
1330001 to 1340000 Nov 1940 Uxbridge et Weston-super-Mare
1340001 to 1350000 Feb 1941 Edinburgh
1350001 to 1360800 Jun 1940 Blackpool
1360801 to 1361080 Not allotted
1361081 to 1361527 1361525 May 1941 Edinburgh
1361528 to 1365000 Pas alloués
1365001 to 1375000 Aug 1940 Edinburgh
1375001 to 1400000 Aug 1940 Euston
1400001 to 1424800 Mar 1941 Penarth
1424801 to 1425000 Jan 1942 Belgians
1425001 to 1474999 Apr 1941 Cardington
1475000 to 1550000 Apr 1941 Padgate
1550001 to 1575000 May 1941 Edinburgh
1575001 to 1585000 Jun 1941 Birmingham
1585001 to 1600000 Sep 1941 Weston-super-Mare
1600001 to 1610000 Sep 1941 Oxford
1610001 to 1649900 Oct 1941 Cardington
1649901 to 1650000 Apr 1942 Dutch
1650001 to 1670000 Nov 1941 Penarth
1670001 to 1692488 Nov 1941 Padgate
1692489 to 1692500 Nov 1941 Dutch
1692501 to 1700000 Jun 1942 Padgate
1700001 to 1800000 Sep 1941 Inspector of Recruiting for Local Enlistments for deferred service at CRCs.
1800001 to 1814800 Dec 1941 Euston
1814801 to 1814900 Nov 1942 Belgians
1814901 to 1915000 Nov 1942 Dutch
1815001 to 1820000 Jly 1942 Birmingham
1820001 to 1830000 Nov 1943 Edinburgh
1830001 to 1838234 Oct 1942 Penarth
1838235 to 1845000 Pas alloués
1845001 to 1845166 Oct 1942 Penarth
1845167 to 1850000 Pas alloués
1850001 to 1853991 Nov 1942 Oxford
1853992 to 1860000 Pas alloués
1860001 to 1869700 Oct 1942 Cardington
1869701 to 1869718 None issued Feb 1943 Dutch
1869719 to 1869800 May 1943 Cardington
1869801 to 1869808 Oct 1942 Belgians
1869809 to 1889800 1884438 May 1943 Cardington
1889801 to 1889900 May 1943 Belgians
1889901 to 1890000 1889962 May 1943 Dutch
1890001 to 1899799 Jan 1943 Euston
1899800 to 1899899 Jun 1943 Belgians
1899900 to 1899999 Oct 1943 Dutch
1900000 to 1910000 Sep 1943 N Ireland Non ATC
1910001 to 1919999 1913267 Nov 1945 N Ireland Non ATC
1920000 to 1925000 May 1947 Boy Entrants
1925001 to 1930000 Sep 1951 Boy Entrants
1930001 to 1950602 Jly 1954 Boy Entrants
1950603 to 1960000 Pas alloués
1960001 to 1999999 1962348 Oct 1964 Craft Apprentices
2000000 to 2099999 2099997 May 1941 WAAF Enrolments by I of R
2100000 to 2199999 2179999 Aug 1942 WAAF Enrolments by I of R
2200000 to 2212749 2212224 Oct 1942 Padgate
2212750 to 2212999 Dec 1942 Dutch
2213000 to 2220000 Oct 1942 Padgate
2220001 to 2225000 Oct 1942 Birmingham
2225001 to 2229353 Sep 1943 Padgate Non ATC
2229354 to 2235000 Aug 1945 Padgate Non ATC
2235001 to 2244800 2238689 Nov 1943 Euston Non ATC
2244801 to 2244899 2244845 Jan 1945 Dutch
2244900 to 2245000 Dec 1943 Belgians
2245001 to 2255000 Nov 1943 Cardington Non ATC
2255001 to 2257649 Jan 1944 Edinburgh Non ATC
2257650 to 2260000 Sep 1945 Padgate Non ATC
2260001 to 2260120 Aug 1944 Birmingham Non ATC
2260121 to 2265000 Sep 1945 Padgate Non ATC
2265001 to 2265174 Aug 1944 Doncaster Non ATC
2265175 to 2275000 Oct 1945 Padgate Non ATC
2275001 to 2299999 Nov 1945 Padgate Non ATC
2300000 to 2324999 Feb 1946 Padgate Non ATC
2325000 to 2339999 Sep 1947 Padgate Non ATC
2340000 to 2359999 Jan 1947 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2360000 to 2360999 2360174 Jan 1947 NSA Recruits Hornchurch Non ATC
2361000 to 2370999 Jan 1947 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2371000 to 2380999 Jan 1947 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2381000 to 2390999 Jan 1947 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2391000 to 2400999 Jly 1948 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2401000 to 2420999 Jan 1949 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2421000 to 2465999 Jan 1949 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2466000 to 2499999 Mar 1950 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2500000 to 2549999 2549996 Oct 1950 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2550000 to 2595496 Nov 1951 NSA Recruits Padgate Non ATC
2595497 to 2599999 Jun 1953 NSA Recruits Cardington Non ATC
2600000 to 2699999 Sep 1946 RAFVR/WRAFVR and R Aux AF/WR Aux AF (Post War)
2700000 to 2787999 Aug 1953 NSA Recruits Cardington Non ATC
2788000 to 2788999 2788455 Aug 1946 Belgians. RAF Enlistments in Belgium.
2789000 to 2789999 2789523 Dec 1945 Belgian enlistments.
2790000 to 2790999 2790851 Jly 1945 Belgian enlistments in UK
2791000 to 2791999 Mar 1944 Belgians in UK
2792000 to 2794300 2793426 Jun 1943 WAAF Poles in UK. Prefixed by letter “P”.
2794301 to 2794999 Pas alloués
2795000 to 2795999 2795760 Mar 1945 Dutch. Ex Holland Ground Trades
2796000 to 2796999 2796496 Mar 1945 Dutch. Ex Holland Aircrew
2797000 to 2797055 Jan 1961 WRAF Officer Cadets SSC Hawkinge.
2797056 to 2797215 Jan 1962 WRAF Officer Cadets SSC Debden.
2797216 to 2797417 Sep 1963 WRAF Officer Cadets (Commissions) RAF Feltwell.
2797418 to 2797428 Feb 1966 WRAF Officer Cadets (Commissions) RAF Henlow.
2797429 to 2797431 Feb 1966 WRAF Officer Cadets (Commissions) RAF Feltwell.
2797432 to 2799999 2797604 Mar 1966 WRAF Officer Cadets (Commissions) RAF Henlow
2800000 to 2809999 Jun 1947 WAAF 2 and 3 years’ service
2810000 to 2814999 Feb 1949 WRAF
2815000 to 2819999 Nov 1950 WRAF Wilmslow
2820000 to 2825000 Apr 1952 WRAF Wilmslow
2825001 to 2834435 Jan 1954 WRAF Wilmslow
2834436 to 2987500 2847747 Aug 1960 WRAF Spitalgate
2987501 to 2989500 2987533 May 1967 State Enrolled Nurses (WRAF) MTE RAF Halton.
2989501 to 2990000 2989733 Mar 1963 Student Nurses (Princess Mary’s RAF Nursing Service)
2990001 to 2991700 2991584 May 1943 WAAF Volunteers dans le Middle East, British, Maltese, Cypriots and miscellaneous,
2991701 to 2992000 2991721 Oct 1943 WAAF Cypriots. Volunteerspour service local à Chypre.
2992001 to 2993000 2992616 May 1943 WAAF Volunteers in Middle East (Palestinians).
2993001 to 2994000 2993038 Jun 1943 WAAF Volunteers in Middle East (Greeks).
2994001 to 2994500 2994015 May 1943 WAAF Volunteers in Middle East (Czechoslovakia).
2994501 to 2995000 2994506 Aug 1943 WAAF Volunteers in Middle East (Yugoslavs)
2995001 to 2996000 None issued Engagements locaux outre mer (File S184).
2996001 to 2999000 2997342 Jan 1959 WRAF Local Service Enlistments (UK only)
2999001 to 2999500 2999019 May 1943 WAAF Conscripted in Middle East
2999501 to 2999999 2999519 Feb 1952 Local Overseas Enlistments (File S179).
3000000 to 3010000 May 1943 ATC Cadets Cardington
3010000 to 3014917 May 1943 ATC Cadets Padgate
3014918 to 3020000 Pas alloués
3020001 to 3025000 May 1943 ATC Cadets Edinburgh
3025001 to 3026705 May 1943 ATC Cadets Penarth
3026706 to 3030000 Pas alloués
3030001 to 3040000 May 1943 ATC Cadets Euston
3040001 to 3044830 May 1943 ATC Cadets Doncaster
3044831 to 3045000 Not allotted
3045001 to 3045072 Sep 1946 ATC Cadets Oxford
3045073 to 3045080 Jly 1943 ATC Cadets Penarth
3054081 to 3050000 3046151 Aug 1945 ATC Cadets Euston
3050001 to 3054173 May 1943 ATC Cadets Birmingham
3054174 to 3055000 Not allotted
3055001 to 3061579 Dec 1944 Ex ATC Cadets Cardington
3061580 to 3065000 Oct 1945 Ex ATC Cadets Padgate
3065001 to 3066013 May 1944 Ex ATC Cadets Edinburgh
3066014 to 3075000 None issued Ex ATC Cadets Padgate
3075001 to 3099999 3093490 Nov 1945 Ex ATC Cadets Padgate
3100000 to 3109999 Jan 1947 Ex ATC Cadets. Two year service scheme Padgate.
3110000 to 3110999 3110246 Jan 1947 Ex ATC Cadets. Two year service scheme Hornchurch.
3111000 to 3120999 Jan 1947 Ex ATC Cadets. Two year service scheme Padgate.
3121000 to 3130999 May 1949 Ex ATC Cadets NSA Padgate.
3131000 to 3140761 Jan 1951 Ex ATC Cadets NSA Padgate.
3140762 to 3156537 Jun 1953 Ex ATC Cadets NSA Cardington.
3156538 to 3200000 Pas alloués
3200001 to 3230000 3225301 Jun 1943 ATC Cadets, enlistments at Combined Recruiting Centres.
3230001 to 349999 Pas alloués
3500000 to 3501799 3501520 Aug 1945 Regular enlistments ATC Padgate.
3501800 to 3504999 Oct 1946 Regular enlistments ATC Cardington,
3505000 to 3505194 Jan 1946 Regular enlistments ATC Belfast.
3505195 to 3506999 Pas alloués
3507000 to 3507999 Mar 1949 Regular enlistments ATC Cardington.
3508000 to 3508999 Aug 1950 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3509000 to 3509999 Dec 1950 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3510000 to 3511999 Mar 1951 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3512000 to 3513999 Dec 1951 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3514000 to 3515999 Aug 1952 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3516000 to 3520999 Apr 1953 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3521000 to 3526000 Jan 1955 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3526001 to 3529401 Apr 1958 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Cardington.
3529402 to 3529510 Feb 1961 Regular enlistments Ex ATC Bridgnorth (attested at CICS).
3529511 to 3999999 Pas alloués
4000000 to 4004999 Aug 1945 Regular enlistments Non ATC Padgate.
4005000 to 4006999 Jan 1946 Regular enlistments Non ATC Belfast.
4007000 to 4009999 Oct 1946 Regular enlistments Non ATC Belfast.
4010000 to 4011999 4011913 Sep 1946 Regular enlistments Non ATC Padgate.
4012000 to 4014999 Oct 1946 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4015000 to 4015999 4015105 May 1947 Ex Dominion aircrew enlisted for regular aircrew service - Canada.
4015600 to 4016199 None issued Ex Dominion aircrew enlisted for regular aircrew service - Australia.
4016200 to 4016599 4016237 Jun 1947 Ex Dominion aircrew enlisted for regular aircrew service - New Zealand.
4016600 to 4016799 4016610 May 1951 Ex Dominion aircrew enlisted for regular aircrew service - Southern Rhodesia.
4016800 to 4016999 4016905 Apr 1947 Ex Dominion aircrew enlisted for regular aircrew service - South Africa.
4017000 to 4029999 Dec 1946 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4030000 to 4039999 Feb 1948 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4040000 to 4049999 Oct 1949 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4050000 to 4059999 Oct 1950 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4060000 to 4079999 Feb 1951 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
4080000 to 4099999 Aug 1951 Regular enlistments Non ATC Cardington.
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Nombre de messages : 18
Age : 56
Localisation : Bourg-la-Reine
Thème de collection : Contemporain français et étranger
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2020

Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise   Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise EmptyVen 5 Juin 2020 - 13:40

Document de travail remarquable. Merci.
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Nombre de messages : 103
Age : 44
Localisation : Sarthe
Thème de collection : Commandos Britanniques et Français de la seconde guerre mondiale
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2022

Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise   Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise EmptyMar 17 Jan 2023 - 7:51

En effet travail remarquable merci beaucoup !
Ce post servira probablement à d'autres membres
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Nombre de messages : 187
Localisation : Rochefort
Thème de collection : us
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2022

Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise   Attribution des numéros de matricule dans l'armée anglaise EmptyMar 17 Jan 2023 - 8:44

Merci beaucoup pour cette liste qui sera bien utile pour nos identifications
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