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 Propagande allemande

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2 participants
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Nombre de messages : 1314
Age : 37
Localisation : Belgique
Thème de collection : casque Adrian et petit matériel français WW1, les casques allemand WW2, les cartes postales anciennes et les avis de décès de mon village, les bandes dessinées, …
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2015

Propagande allemande Empty
MessageSujet: Propagande allemande   Propagande allemande EmptyMar 3 Nov 2015 - 23:57


j'ai récupérer ce que je pense être de la propagande allemande distribuée aux américains lors de la bataille des Ardennes. Mes photos n’étant pas terrible je vous retranscris le contenu de ce document. Les photos sont en dessous de ce texte.

Recto :



1. Do you honestly believe the German Supreme Command started this drive into Luxembourg and Belgium in order to run into a trap ?

2. Do you honestly believe we didn't reckon that General Eisenhower would rapidly draw all available and badly needed forces from other parts of the front, in order to check the German advance ?

3. And if you have a look at your mapm do you honestly believe that Feldmarshal Model , commanding the German forces in this sectorm didn't see that the best opportunity to trap advanced German Panzer Armies offers itself in the Bastogne area ?

4: Considering these facts, do you honestly believe that your counter offensive may have the slightest chance "to turn the succesful German drive into the complete Allied Victory", as Eisenhower put it on Dec. 27th. ?

                Well we don't mind your continuing this "yard by painful yard" offensive (acc. to an US war correspondant.)

Verso :

But isn't it strange that at this fateful moment Fieldmarshal Montgomery took over the command of all US and British forces from the Dutch coast down to this area? (Yankees under the command of  a Limey . . . . . boy-oh-boy !)

Furthermore, all military commentators agree in one thing :

"The German counter blow has checked the Allied large scale winter offensive and will cause a prolongationof the war far at least half a year." (New York Times. Jan. 2nd.)



Believe it or not . . . . . jerry isn't licked yet - not by a long shot. War goes on, and you will e surprised - how . . . .

And by all means remember :


Propagande allemande Jhl_0510

Propagande allemande Jhl_0511
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Je fais partie des murs

Nombre de messages : 6075
Localisation : vosgien en enfer
Thème de collection : Allemand 2°GM,insigne,medaille,badge...mili et politique
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2014

Propagande allemande Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Propagande allemande   Propagande allemande EmptyMer 4 Nov 2015 - 21:05

Je ne connais pas mais j'ai hate d'avoir l'avis des specialistes
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Propagande allemande
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